Homeless Woman Refuses To Pay Rent Because ‘She’s So Hot’


An Australian homeless woman confesses that she avoids paying rent by abusing her “pretty privilege.” The housing crisis is now having a severe impact on young people all over the world. Between excessive rent increases, filthy house shares, and small-time landlords, it’s safe to say that finding a place to live is quite difficult right now.

Self-employed people have additional challenges in this dilemma because they frequently have to pay a deposit equal to several months’ rent up ahead while looking for a place to live.
However, 25-year-old Emily Webb, an Australian on the Gold Coast, has discovered a clever solution to get over her homelessness; she says she has been utilising dating apps to locate a place to stay every night.

Emily shared her story in a widely shared TikTok post, writing, “I can’t believe I’ve been spending my money on rent for this long.

“Life hack: if you’re hot, don’t ever pay rent.” She continued by explaining that she had been using apps like Hinge to find dates, then returning to the date’s home to spend the night there.
She went on, “I’ve been using dating apps to find different guys’ places to stay with, and it is going surprisingly well,” not disclosing to the men her current predicament. The OnlyFans creator said, “I don’t usually tell them because I don’t want to put pressure on anyone.” I keep my homelessness a secret, and I don’t believe it.

Viewers were divided about Emily’s innovative response to the housing problem; some criticised her for abusing her “pretty privilege,” while others expressed worries for her safety. The TikToker, however, has since defended her actions to News.com.au, stating that even though she offered to pay up to a year in advance, she has been unlucky in the housing market and that her OnlyFans is profitable with over 100,000 followers, allowing her to pay rent of about AUD 1000 (£524) a week.

She added that she also spends a few nights a week with her friends and that she has tried offering to pay rent six and twelve months in advance but has not been successful.

Emily is glad to be testing the “boundaries of pretty privilege” for the time being, but she is aware that she cannot utilise Hinge to locate a permanent home to live in. “You’re only single and hot once and I love taking advantage of it anywhere it can,” she stated. “I’m only looking for flats since it allows me to be choosy. I’ve recently learned that I don’t need a location. It seems like I may rent a place any day now. I don’t feel very anxious.”