You Will Stop Being A ‘Show Off’ On Social Media After Looking At These 18 Snapchat Pictures


On my 18th birthday, my parents gifted me a Titan watch and I couldn’t stop showing for one long month.

Trust me Ola and Uber are much better and cheaper.

Today the toughest decision to make was whether to have butter on parantha or not and I ended up eating a double-butter aalo parantha.

I prefer rickshaw to go back to school.

I’m allergic to costly leather.

Stop showing FFS, Better to take it in your hands and eat like a junkie.

I think I’ll wear blue underwear today.

I will prefer to get it packed and eat on the go.

With that much amount of money, one can buy a lifelong supply of tissues.

Out of words and toilet paper.

I would simply pick it up and iron.

In my refrigerator, I also have four apples bought from a roadside fruit seller.

After demonetisation when people were crying with their old Rs 500 notes was the last I saw so many notes.

Weed is the only thing I crush.

Even if my family’s houses are put together, this house will be way big than those. But still, we are happy.

I run out of the class when I run out of paper.

I was happy with receiving a laddu for passing my driving test.

I got just a Nike cap on my 14th birthday.

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