15 Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone


Ever since Google was founded by Larry Page and Sergey Bin back in 1998, it has changed the whole world. Now, we cannot think of a life without this search engine. Almost every work we do includes Google in one way or the other. And one cannot deny the fact that some people literally search for weird things. Google, every year, comes up with a list of the most searched things. One such list, it made it known to the public what women search for when alone. And trust me, some of the things included are weird to the core.

According to a Statista analysis, India has over 749 million Internet users in 2020, and that number is projected to rise to 1.5 billion by 2040. The majority of consumers utilise mobile devices to access the Internet. The number of women in the country who have access to the Internet is also significantly lower than the number of men. This is particularly true in rural India. There is some good news, though. The proportion of female users has been steadily rising.

Here are things which women search on Google!

1. Steps to lose weight easily

Losing weight and finding ways of doing it can easily be found in the search history of every other person. One of those things which everyone wants to get without hard work.

Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone- Workouts

2. “How to cut my own hair?”

Women are way too possessive about their hair. If you check their search history, you’ll get to see a lot of things related to beauty and hair products. And this one question is also found in almost every other women’s Google history.

Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone – Hairstyles

3. “Let me google myself”

If out of all the things mentioned on this list, you haven’t done this, why are you even alive?

What Women Search on Internet?

Most searched thing on google

4. “How many cats or dogs can I have?”

Women love pets. Well, most of them if not all. But it’s not easy to keep a pet, it is not everyone’s cup of tea. And hence, they keep Google busy by asking such questions.

5. “Will this make me pregnant?”

Pregnancy is one of those things which can easily scare anyone. And due to the lack of s*x-Ed classes, women keep searching for things about pregnancy on Google.

6. “How to find out if my boyfriend is loyal to me or not?”

You will easily find this in almost every women’s search history. And the sites that write listicles with such topics are to be blamed for it. But at times, they help as well.

Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone – Relationships and dating advice


7. “What healthy things to eat?”

Everyone wants to be health conscious these days and hence, they search and look for things to eat with fewer calories. This goes for both men and women.

Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone – Self-care tips

8. “Is it possible to buy wine in bulk?”

This is the weirdest yet one of the top things women search on google. And somewhere or the other, the question is valid. Because at times when you plan a party and have no idea about such things, Google comes in handy. 

9. “Steps to increase my social media followers”

It cannot be denied that people really want to gain fame through social media sites. And so, be it, men or women, they search high and low on Google to know various things to gain more followers.

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10. “How to twerk?”

Twerking took the whole internet by storm. Everyone wanted to twerk and hence were googling ways of doing so.

Things women do in private

11. “How can I get a unicorn?”

Who doesn’t love Unicorns? Ever since we got to know about them, we want one ourselves. This craving for a unicorn is more when it comes to women and hence, they search on Google how to get one.

12. “Why are my periods late?”

Periods are serious things and it is okay for women to get scared if they are late. Google search helps in this regard.

13. “Tattoos”

Be it, men or women, everyone looks up for tattoos on Google every once in a while. And hence, it eventually comes in the category of top things searched.

14. “Irregular periods”

Periods when irregular can lead to harmful infections and diseases. So a woman can be seen searching for irregular periods on Google.

15. “Is it okay to consider inflatable dolls as passengers in the HOV lane?”

Trust me, if I have no idea what this is. And you can’t really complain. Ever since JayZ started calling himself HOV or high occupancy vehicles, the weird number of things men and women search on Google related to HOV has increased.

Top Things Women Search On Google When They’re Alone

Approximately 43–45% of the 825 million users in Q4 of FY21 were women, up from the 40% seen in prior years, according to a report. But have you ever considered what might be on women’s internet users’ search histories? According to the most recent report, 75% of women are between the ages of 15 and 34. 31% of teenagers search for diets and other methods to stay in shape. And 17% look up information about s*x, depression, and drugs.

In addition to this, relationships ranked high on women’s search queries. The majority of them, according to the poll, look for items related to relationships. They look for guidance on how to handle heartbreaks.

There were also searches for jobs. Compared to males, women are more inclined to look for information about schools and occupations. A select handful was primarily interested in higher education programmes and possible study locations.

Fashion and beauty are also among the top stats. The fact that girls are three times more interested in fashion than boys should not be shocking. Because they feel comfortable with various sizes and amounts, girls purchase items from internet retailers.

  1. Hairstyles
  2. Makeup tutorials
  3. Workouts
  4. Self-care tips
  5. Fashion and outfits
  6. Relationships and dating advice
  7. Beauty product reviews
  8. Home decor ideas
  9. Healthy recipes
  10. DIY projects.